Bloemendaal Young Plants cookie statement

Bloemendaal Young Plants
19 January 2023

Bloemendaal Young Plants applies the following cookie policy with regard to the use of its website,

Cookie policy

The cookie policy explains how our website places cookies on and reads information from your computer, tablet and/or mobile phone (hereinafter referred to as 'peripheral equipment'). This section also states the purpose(s) for which the information collected will be used.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data that are sent to your browser when you visit the website, and are then stored on the hard disk or in the memory of the peripheral equipment. The browser is able to send this information back on subsequent visits to the website. The cookies cannot cause damage to your peripheral equipment or to the files stored on it.

Cookies from Bloemendaal Young Plants

Functional cookies
Bloemendaal Young Plants places functional cookies on visitors' computers. These cookies are necessary in order to perform the services that you have requested. For example, the cookies mean that once you have logged in to the website, you do not need to log in again on every page. They also remember the products you have placed in the shopping cart and the forms you’ve filled in on the website.

Session cookies
In addition to functional cookies, Bloemendaal Young Plants places cookies on your peripheral equipment that are stored for a limited time only. As soon as you close the web browser, these cookies are automatically deleted. These so-called ‘session cookies’ are used to track your surfing behaviour on the website during a specific visit. Bloemendaal Young Plants uses this information to adapt the website to better meet visitors' needs.

Persistent cookies
Bloemendaal Young Plants also places cookies that remain on your peripheral equipment for longer periods of time. Thanks to these so-called 'persistent cookies', the website will recognise your peripheral equipment the next time you visit. These cookies enable Bloemendaal Young Plants to show you a version of the website that is specifically tailored to your preferences. Because your preferences have already been set, you save time on subsequent visits to the website and it makes for a better user experience.

Reading out information without cookies

In addition to placing cookies on your computer, Bloemendaal Young Plants reads information from your browser and peripheral equipment without placing a cookie. This allows Bloemendaal Young Plants to collect the (technical) properties of your peripheral equipment and of software you use. Examples include the type of operating system, browser settings, installed plugins, your time zone and screen size. Bloemendaal Young Plants uses this information to track your surfing behaviour.

Third-party cookies

In addition to the cookies placed by Bloemendaal Young Plants itself, the website also places third-party cookies on your peripheral equipment. Bloemendaal Young Plants has no control or authority over the use of these cookies and/or the use that third parties make of the information that these cookies collect. Bloemendaal Young Plants merely provides the platform that enables these third party cookies. Bloemendaal Young Plants would like to point out that the use of the data collected may be subject to further conditions set by these third parties. The types of third-party cookies that are placed on your computer via the website are indicated below.

Google Analytics

Bloemendaal Young Plants uses Google Analytics to gather web statistics on the use of and visits to the website. Google Analytics places a persistent cookie on your peripheral equipment to track your use of the website. Google then analyses this data and the results are shared with Bloemendaal Young Plants. This enables Bloemendaal Young Plants to obtain insight into how the website is used, and the company can use this information to make adjustments to the website or its services where necessary.

Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required by law, and/or where the information is processed by third parties on Google's behalf. Google may use this information for other Google services.

In addition, videos originating from third-party websites, including YouTube, may be shown on the website. These third parties primarily place cookies that enable the videos to be shown to you. Tracking cookies may also be placed. These are used to track your surfing behaviour across multiple websites, building up a profile of your surfing behaviour.

Deleting cookies

The permission you have given Bloemendaal Young Plants to place and read out data from first- and third-party cookies can be revoked at any time. You can do this by configuring your browser to refuse cookies and/or by deleting all cookies already placed in your browser.

However, you should be aware that deleting cookies may result in certain parts of the website not working, or no longer working properly.


Bloemendaal Young Plants reserves the right to change its cookie policy. Bloemendaal Young Plants advises you to check this page regularly to see whether any changes have been made. If major changes are made, this will be clearly indicated on the website.

The most recent update to the cookie policy was made on 19 January 2023.