High-quality young plants

We are a preferred supplier of young plants for growers in the Netherlands and abroad. They come back every season for our conifers: well-rooted, grown robustly, compact and free of weeds and diseases. Our range is diverse in nature and the plants are supplied in uniform and perfectly tended batches. We do everything we can to ensure you have a carefree start to a new season.


However, we strive for more than quality. Every season you are faced with the challenge of bringing supply and demand together. Working as a team to find solutions is what makes the difference. Working together to assess future demand. That’s no easy task when working with products that require a year or more of cultivation.

Growing for you!

We assist you with our knowledge about both national and international markets. We work closely to put together a well-thought-out list of recommendations for potting on. This list is then used as a starting point when we help you to respond to future customer demand. That’s what we mean by: Growing for you!



We’re sustainable and green!
We use 100% recyclable pots.

Would you like to know more?

Request a quote using the contact form.
Or simply contact us.